


支援非華語兒童學好中文計劃 (第二期)

“Joining Opportunities for Non-Chinese Youngsters”

Chinese Learning Support Programme (Phase 2)

計劃簡介Project Introduction

Our Centre has served the Non-Chinese students (NCS) for over 25 years. We deeply understand that if the NCS students are provided with adequate learning support at their early stage, they could have better development in the language and personal growth. We are very grateful to have support from SCOLAR and funding from the Language Fund to start this project.

計劃目標 Project Objectives

  1. 培養學童對學習中文的興趣,建立自信心和成就感
    To cultivate students’ interest in learning Chinese, and build up their confidence and sense of accomplishment
  2. 鼓勵家長與孩子一同學習,營造持續正面的中文學習環境
    To encourage parents to engage in children’s learning so as to create a positive Chinese learning environment
  3. 透過圖書伴讀計劃,加強對學童及家庭的支援。
    To enhance support for children and their families through the reading companion scheme
  4. 與參與本計劃的學校建立伙伴關係,共同回應學童的中文學習需要及建立共融文化。
    To establish partnerships with participating schools to address students’ Chinese language learning needs and foster an inclusive culture

計劃特色 Project Features

  1. 由具教學經驗的教師負責中文學習小組
    Chinese Learning Groups are taught by experienced teachers
  2. 非華語青少年或婦女擔任助教
    NCS youth or women as teaching assistants
  3. 所有學習材料經語文專家審閱
    All teaching materials will be reviewed by language experts

計劃範圍 Serving Districts

Hong Kong Island, included Central & Western, Eastern, Southern District and Wan Chai

對象 Target Participants

NCS kindergarten to P.3 students and their parents

計劃期間 Duration

November 2023 to August 2025

計劃內容 Project Content


  1. 中文學習小組 Chinese Learning Groups
  2. 家長中文學習小組 Chinese Learning Groups For Parents
  3. 社區遊學 Community Learning Activities
  4. 伴讀計劃 (校園篇及家訪篇) Reading Companion Scheme (At School & Home Visit)
  5. 中文故事教育活動Chinese Story Learning Activity
  6. 中文講故事比賽 Chinese Storytelling Competition

參加辦法 How to Join

歡迎致電 2558 0708 與計劃負責社工何姑娘或楊姑娘聯絡

Please contact the responsible social worker Ms Kristin Ho or Ms Emily Yeung at 2558 0708.

中心開放時間 Opening Hours





上午10:00-下午1:00活動節數Activity session活動節數Activity session
下午2:00-下午6:00活動節數Activity session活動節數Activity session活動節數Activity session
下午7:00-下午10:00活動節數Activity session


Activities session: Activities will be conducted with normal telephone and counter services


Remark: Closed on Sunday and public holidays.

中心位置Center Location


Address : 4/F, 100 Chai Wan Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong

聯絡我們 Contact Us





支持及撥款Supported and Funded by

The project is supported by SCOLAR and funded by the Language Fund